Jul 28, 2008

Final Decision on Objectives and Language Use

After 2-week invitation, we have very few comments. I suppose most of our voice has being expressed by one another. Hence, we shall finalize the following

Primary Objective:
1. To promote a new kind of education (i.e. UWC mission and vision) to UWCers, parents and those who are interested

Secondary Objectives: (decrease of importance)
2. To formally record our memories and share to all UWCers & LPCers
3. Show our UWC sponsors how our alumni are contributing back to society & appeal to potential sponsors
4. Generate a profit and donate to LPCUWC for scholarship / project funds

Also, billingual mode (English + Chinese) will be adopted as the medium of the book. This is to match with our UWC goal as a place for international understanding. Editors and journalists are highly suggested to discuss the preferred language and let the committee knows before they start to write.


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